2024 Mike Moss Memorial Fund Award Recipient

India Scott

India Scott

India Scott is a senior dance major on the performance and choreography track. Growing up, she was always interested in dance beyond a technical realm, focusing on improvisational skills and compositional practices. She likes to explore conceptual ideas and feminist theories in her work. Minoring in Women and Gender Studies has allowed her to explore these topics through an academic lens and understand how to infuse her art with meaning and power. Her senior project is an exploration of lesbian existence: how the media perceives the community, how individuals express their experiences through literature, and how her fellow dancers react to labels and media representations. India aims to reach a wider audience within the queer community and advocate for deeper representation of lesbian experiences.

For her senior project, India is producing a concert-length evening work in collaboration with Grace Fisher and Aria Iuso. The three of them will take on the full production responsibilities, delving into the intricacies of theater production. The show will grace the stage of the Mandell Theatre, challenging India and her fellow dancers not only in terms of stamina and composition skills but also providing an introduction to networking and professional dance production. Mark your calendars—the performance is scheduled for Saturday, May 18th, at 6 pm, in Mandell Theater. For more information about this show, visit https://bit.ly/DawnOfSelfConcert.